pdftk dp-agb-brief-national-2021.pdf output dp-agb-brief-national-2021-crypt.pdf user_pw 'w=OT&V=eN}wSM)7G'
Ok, irgendwo mein Fehler.
Jetzt mit Leerzeichen vorab
pdftk dp-agb-brief-national-2021.pdf output dp-agb-brief-national-2021-crypt.pdf user_pw 'w=OT&V=eN}wSM)7G'
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Use the keyword PROMPT to supply a password via standard input instead.
Der Insecure Hinweis erscheint trotzdem.
pdftk dp-agb-brief-national-2021.pdf output dp-agb-brief-national-2021-crypt.pdf user_pw PROMPT
Please enter the user password to use on the output PDF.
It can be empty, or have a maximum of 32 characters:
maximum of 32 characters