Steev schrieb:
Gibt es Neuigkeiten zum official Release LXQt ...
Nein, nicht wirklich, das Lubuntu Team ist immer noch in der internen LXQt Testphase. Haben aber noch keine LXQt Test ISO.
Julien Lavergne hat sich Anfang November auf der lubuntu-devel mailinglist relativ kritisch über LXQt geäußert. Er schrieb dort:
"I'm not worry about the stability of LXQt. (...) I'm more worried about the others packages that we have
to add to make a full distribution. That's why it's important to get
an image, to see the gap between the LXDE version, and the LXQt
To be honest, I'm not very confident with this switch anymore. Years
ago, I was a great fan of the LXQt initiative. But with some time, we
see the similar problems (release cycle, getting all the desktop
features, translation system ...), and the Qt-5-only ecosystem is not
very big. Also, one of the reason to replace LXDE was that it's
unmaintained, but that's not entirely true (there are still recent
commits on upstream git). So for now, I'm very undecided. I really
wait for the image testing result to see the among of work we have to
put to make it a real distribution.
Finally, there is also an option possible : the split. As we may
consider that the LXQt version is not good enough to replace the LXDE
version, or that the LXDE version is still good to go), that doesn't
mean this version doesn't deserve to exist on its own." Quelle:
Hier mal n Einblick, wohin die Reise gehen soll: