Hallo kaputtnik,
ich kann dir zwar leider nicht helfen, habe aber exakt das selbe Problem.
Ich habe einen älteren Epson D88 wenn das weiterhilft.
Hier noch ein Auszug aus Ausgabe /var/log/cups/error_log mit einem gescheiterten Druckversuchs:
E [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway)
E [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table...
E [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Couldn't find trailer dictionary
E [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Couldn't read xref table
E [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] The following messages were recorded from 20:35:09 to 20:35:09
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh18 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh19 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh20 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh21 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh22 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh23 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh24 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh25 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh26 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh27 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh28 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh29 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh30 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh31 to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Set string DitherAlgorithm to None
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Set special string DitherAlgorithm to None
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Set string ImageType to TextGraphics
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Set special string ImageType to TextGraphics
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting JobMode to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Not setting PageNumber to (null)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: End options
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a0678)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a0628)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06d8)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a05e8)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a0698)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a0648)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_put_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b8)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Setting LeadingEdge to 0...
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_set_color_info(0x8169a6c)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsEncodeLUT[0] = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsEncodeLUT[65535] = 255
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] num_components = 3, depth = 24
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsColorSpace = 1, cupsColorOrder = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsBitsPerPixel = 24, cupsBitsPerColor = 8
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] max_gray = 0, dither_grays = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] max_color = 255, dither_colors = 256
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Updating PageSize to [595 842]...
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.cupsPageSizeName = A4
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] size = A4
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] margins[] = [ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Reallocating memory, [595 842] = 5950x4210 pixels...
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_space_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a03bc)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cache_size = 262779904
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] ppd = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595.000 842.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] margins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWResolution = [ 720.000 360.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a0678)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a0628)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06c8)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06d8)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a06b0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a05e8)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_matrix(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a0648)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups->page = 1
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD = 0x8210800
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] width = 5950, height = 4210
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 720 360 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] matrix = [ 10.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -0.000 4210.000 ]
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a08a0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_get_params(0x8169a6c, 0xbf8a08a0)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] before gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] after gdev_prn_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Leaving cups_get_params()
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] cups_close(0x8169a6c)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: About to start printing loop.
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Printed total 0 bytes
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] Gutenprint: Used 0,120 seconds user, 0,000 seconds system, 0,617 seconds elapsed
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] End of messages
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] printer-state=3(idle)
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] printer-state-message="Processing page 1..."
D [09/Feb/2010:20:35:09 +0100] [Job 53] printer-state-reasons=none