Habs eben auf OMG gelesen,
After what seems like an eternity of waiting, the light-weight LXDE based Ubuntu spin ‘Lubuntu’ has been granted ‘official’ Ubuntu family status.
Lubuntu 11.10 will be the first fully supported release, with its desktop packages made available in the Ubuntu repositories for users to install alongside their chosen desktop environment - as is currently the case with Kubuntu and Xubuntu.
It is hoped the move will see Lubuntu achieve greater visibility within the community and beyond.
Lubuntu is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that is aimed at computers with comparatively ‘low’ hardware.
A formal announcement on the decision is expected later today.
Absehbar das es nun doch endlich konkreter wird war es allerdings schon etwas früher: http://lubuntu.net/blog/mark-shuttleworth-says-thank-you-lubuntu-community