Im Artikel The_Sins_of_Ubuntu
fand ich folgende spekulative Passage über Novell und Ubuntu:
One system administrator summarizes the situation this way, "... Microsoft continues to win on the desktop. Not because an individual PC running Windows is easier for most people to use, but because its easier to set up Active Directory to work with Outlook and Exchange than it is to roll your own directory service with the tools available out of the box on Ubuntu." Here's a management consultant whose clients manage between 50 and 150,000 desktops: "Until there is a true competitor to Active Directory, Exchange, Outlook, and the MANAGEMENT of the machines, Ubuntu will not succeed in the Enterprise." Too bad Canonical let Attachmate Corp. buy Novell when the company was up for grabs late last year. Novell products like eDirectory and GroupWise could synergize with Ubuntu. Canonical's Linux dominance plus Novell's directory services and deep experience integrating into the Microsoft ecosystem might have been very competitive.
Allerdings hatte Novell schon eine Linux-Distri. 😉
Das betraf den Business-Bereich.
Für den Endanwender:
With GRUB 2 you no longer configure the boot menu of OS options by editing the menu.lst file. Instead, you edit bash scripts. That's fine for me, but an unreasonable expectation for end users. How about a simple GUI front end for editing the boot-time menu?
Wo könnte man letzteres Canonical vorschlagen.
Wie wärs mit einem Vorschläge-Thread an Canonical hier im Forum?